Black Gold Heist | The Rot in the Coffee Sub-Sector

In the 1990s, Kenya’s coffee industry was seen at the same level as those of Ethiopia and Uganda with farmers producing over 500,000 tonnes of beans.

Today, Kenyan farmers are struggling to produce just over 40,000 tonnes of coffee with some uprooting the plant from their farms.

But even more worrying is that an estimated two billion shillings is ending up in the wrong hands within the coffee sub-sector in Kenya leaving farmers to share out only Sh17 million.

It is a sub-sector that is cartel-infested with farmers now earning peanuts from their hard work despite the many times the government has touted reforms in the coffee industry.

In this edition of NTV Investigates, Ibrahim Karanja exposes the rot in Kenya’s coffee sub-sector and possible sabotage against government-initiated reforms.

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