The Probe and The Promise

When General Francis Ogolla perished in a chopper crash with nine others on 18th april, 2024, President William Ruto appointed the then Army Commander, Major-General John Omenda, to lead investigations and lay the findings bare in the shortest time possible.

However, there has been the question: will the president’s pronouncement remain just that – a pronouncement? A situation that will see the country never getting to know the how and why around general ogolla and his colleagues' deaths? Why? Well, aside from military sensitivities, some of the dynamics around the trip may implicate members and operations of the defence forces, and so they may not publicly release a report that implicates them, partly informing calls for a probe that is not undertaken by the KDF alone. However, the Kenya Defence Forces has told NTV that the investigation is in progress, but is unlikely to end soon, adding that the report will be made public once the investigation is complete. On this week’s inside out, our senior investigations reporter Duncan Khaemba probes dynamics around the probe into the fatal military helicopter crash.
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