Pains Of The Podium

The date was October 21st, 2021. The country received the news that Kenyan long distance runner, and two-time world championships bronze medalist, Agnes Tirop, was dead. The then president, Uhuru Kenyatta, commissioned speedy investigations into the matter that has so far led to the prosecution of the fallen athlete's husband as the sole suspect. The matter is still in court. But, Tirop's tragic death lifted the lid on the reality of abuse that various Kenyan female athletes endure, at the hands and evil whims of those entrusted to develop their talents: From trainers, to coaches and talent managers, and, very key and unfortunate, their spouses, or partners - all abusing the trust, and vulnerability of these women.

NTV’s Loise Wangui crossed counties, to find the women behind some of the sad tales, and spoke to four athletes who’ve fallen victim to sex predators, and outright abusers of their dignity. Tonight, NTV investigates reveals the dark, traumatic side of the journey to the finish line; where the glory of the medals ends, and the darkness of betrayal, illegality and cover-ups have found a home.

This is our special investigative report, Pains Of The Podium.

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