Inside the Finance Bill 2024 | Business Redefined

Kenya is on an ambitious mission to raise at least Kes 330.0 billion through a raft of new revenue raising measures in financial year 2024/25 courtesy of the Finance Bill 2024. This is a step up from the Kes 211.0 billion targeted for financial year 2023/24 courtesy of the Finance Act 2023. The Finance Bill 2024 is your quintessential mixed bag. On this special edition, conversation with Kuria Kimani, the Chairperson of the National Assembly's Finance & Planning Committee; indirect taxes specialist & founder of Alpha Tax and Business Advisory Services, Christine Kahema Muthui; & ICPAK (Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Kenya) Public Finance Committee Chairperson & Managing Partner at Ichiban Tax & Business Advisory LLP, Robert K. Waruiru FCPA(K) to discuss Finance Bill 2024.
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